Misplant Seeds

Misplant Plant & Seedlings Sale!

Description: Each Package Will Contain a One-Of-A-Kind Selection!
(seedlings and roots may be separated to assist in drying & shipping)

Sorry International Customers, Shipping is to USA Addresses Only!
Shipping Charge will be based upon location (zip code)

Attention: All seedlings may come with spiders and or mealies, and or other critters, no extra charge! All my seedlings are grown outside in full sun and full on mother nature. As a general rule of thumb I would recommend quarantining any recent additions to your collections & dousing with your favorite chemicals prior to adding them to the general populations.

(USA only)
may be shipped bare root or minimal soil.

To place a seedling order email misplant@aol.com
Be sure to include your shipping address!
1) Write down the Item Number and Names
Payment: Domestic USA: send cash, check or Money Order
Payable to: M. Hurliman ONLY

Subscribe to email updates and stay tuned for the next Blowout Sale!
***ATTENTION*** As of 8/18/2023 A New Subsription is Required

(Send an email to misplant.net.newsletter@gmail.com with subscribe in the subject line)

Direct all inquiries to misplant@aol.com

( Cuttings or Seedlings! )

Photos of Actual Plants

17" Scopulicola x Cali-Vali
pollen sourced from Robert Hipp
$25.00 plus shipping to your zip code, rootball intact
calculate ground advantage shipping cost at https://postcalc.usps.com/
from 90680 zip code, 6 lbs, 24x6x6 box
Email Misplant@aol.com
s to BIN (USA only)


Photos of Actual Plants

Photos of Actual Plants

texensis from west texas
6 plants, one flowering size
hard grown, will ship in pot
$75 shipping included
Email Misplant@aol.com
to BIN (USA only)


Photos of Actual Plants

Photos of Actual Plants

17" Chalaensis x TPM
$40.00 shipping included
Email Misplant@aol.com
to BIN (USA only)


Photos of Actual Plants

Photos of Actual Plants

15+ Chalaensis x Chalensis-VRG seedlings
shipped in 4x4 pot or rootball intact
$35.00 shipping included
Email Misplant@aol.com
to BIN (USA only)


Photos of Actual Plants

Photos of Actual Plants

15+ Sharxx Blew x Rosei2 seedlings
shipped in 4x4 pot or rootball intact
$55 shipping included
Email Misplant@aol.com
to BIN (USA only)


Photos of Actual Plants

Photos of Actual Plants

15+ Chalaensis-VRG x DrG Scopulicola seedlings
shipped in 4x4 pot or rootball intact
$40 shipping included
Email Misplant@aol.com
to BIN (USA only)


Photos of Actual Plants

Photos of Actual Plants

15+ Bridgesii KGC x Lumberjack seedlings
Shipped in 4x4 pot or rootball iontact
$40 shipping included
Email Misplant@aol.com
to BIN (USA only)


Photos of Actual Plants

Photos of Actual Plants

15+ Bridgesii KGC x Lumberjack seedlings
Shipped in 4x4 pot or rootball iontact
$40 shipping included
Email Misplant@aol.com
to BIN (USA only)


Photos of Actual Plants

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